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Thy flattering Picture, Phryne, is like thee,
Onely in this, that you both painted be.
An obscure writer.
Philo, with twelve yeares study hath beene griev'd,
To'be understood, when will he be beleev'd.
Klockius so deeply hath sworne, ne'r more to come
In bawdie house, that he dares not goe home.
Why this man gelded Martiall I muse,
Except himselfe alone his tricks would use,
As Katherine, for the Courts sake, put downe Stews.
Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus.
Like Esops fellow-slaves, O Mercurie,
Which could doe all things, thy faith is; and I
Like Esops selfe, which nothing; I confesse
I should have had more faith, if thou hadst lesse;
Thy credit lost thy credit: 'Tis sinne to doe,
In this case, as thou wouldst be done unto,
To beleeve all: Change thy name: thou art like
Mercurie in stealing, but lyest like a Greeke.
Compassion in the world againe is bred:
Ralphius is sick, the broker keepes his bed.
The end of the Epigrams.