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Cannot adde another houre,
Nor a lost houre recall?
But come bad chance,
And we joyne to it our strength,
And we teach it art and length,
It selfe o'r us, to'advance.
When thou sigh'st, thou sigh'st no winde
But sigh'st my soule away,
When thou weep'st, unkindly kinde,
My lifes blood doth decay.
It cannot bee
That thou lov'st me, as thou say'st
If in thine my life thou waste,
That art the best of mee
Let not thy divining heart
Forethinke me any ill,
Destiny may take thy part,
And may thy feares fulfill,
But thinke that wee
Are but turn'd aside to sleepe;
They who one another keepe
Alive, ne'r parted bee.
The Legacy.
When I dyed last, and, Deare, I die
As often as from thee I goe.
Though it be but an houre agoe,

[CW: And]