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What yf this present were ye worlds last night? [f. 36v]
Looke in my Hart, O Soule, where thou dost dwell
The picture of Christ crucifyde and tell
Whether yt countenance can thee affright?
Teares in his eyes quench the amazing Light
Blood fills his frowns wch frō his pierc'd head fell.
And can yt toung adiudge thee vnto hell
Wch prayed forgiuenes for his foes ranck spight?
No, No; but as in myne idolatree
I sayd to all my prophane Mistressis
Bewty of pity, foulnes only is
A Signe of rigor; So I say to thee
To wicked Sprights are horrid Shapes assignd,
This bewteous forme assures a piteous mind.
Batter my hart, three-persond God, for you
As yet but knock, breathe, shine, & seeke to mend;
That I may rise, & stand, orethrow me; and bend
Your force to breake, blow, burne, & make me new.
I like an vsurp'd towne to'another dew
Labor to'admit you, but Oh to no end.
Reason your viceroy in me, me should defend,
But is captiv'd and proves weake or vntrew.
Yet dearly Ilove you, & wouldbe loved faine:
But ame betroth'd vnto your enemy:
Diuorce me, vnty or breake yt knott agayne,
Take me to you, emprison me, for I
Except you enthrall me neuer shalbe free,
Nor euer chast except you rauishe mee.